address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

Latest News

This week we have been concentrating on Geography and Together time was full of map madness!

There were lots of different things to share like planning particular holidays, zooming in on maps of the world, taking pictures of our very own Exminster on a field trip, maths showing our geography findings, and accurate tracings of maps from the past. Also, unlike the other class’s show-and-tell, Year 6 showed us a brilliant video revealing how the water sinks into the ground when it floods. The Year 2's asked them a scientific question and they had they had to answer it for that specific question. Natalie and Evie took on the roles of the crazy Hob- Nob and Dickendorf and demonstrated the answer brilliantly. The whole video will be on the website shortly for you to watch.

Geography week was fully enjoyed by all the children in Exminster Primary and it is all for us to say thank you to Mrs Nowell for all her hard work.

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 IMG 8640Thank you to Mr Moore and Mr Hardee for a fun maths games workshop on Wednesday evening enjoyed by about 50 people in total.  Parents and adults enjoyed playing games to practise basic number skills, strategy problem solving, finding all possibilities and shape and space games.  The main aspect though was having fun!  Mr Moore has produced a booklet with all the games from the evening plus lots of extra games to play.  There is an additional booklet available for games practising number skills with a pack of cards.  Mrs Whalley remains the undefeated champion at the bricks game.  Keep thinking Sam!

DJ signing

On the 20th of January, author of the amazing Bradley Baker series, David Lawrence Jones, travelled to Exminster School! He recounted the fantastic story of how he became a writer and how the ideas of the classic Bradley Baker books originated!


Come and enjoy an evening of maths games as a family. The evening will provide ideas of games you can be playing at home to support your child’s understanding and just as importantly, enjoyment of mathematics.

If you would like to attend, please provide the office with:

  • Your name
  • Your child’s/children’s name
  • Their class
  • Number attending

I look forward to seeing you at what will be a fun evening for all!

Mr Moore (Maths Subject Leader)

We are very fortunate to have a visitor coming to our school on Monday 20th January and to present to our year 5 and 6 children.

David Lawrence Jones is a well-respected local children’s author and has written a series of books about the amazing adventures of “Bradley Baker”. Should you wish to find out more about the author and his books you can look at the official website:

DLJ poster

Today, we had a panto as an end of term treat.  The monies raised from our productions went towards funding 2 pantos, one for FS and KS1 and one for KS2.

The pantomime was based around Christmas traditions with a comedy twist – decorating the tree, singing Christmas songs, pulling crackers, eating Christmassy food, going to see Santa and writing Christmas lists. The children got to enjoy singing, lots of comedy rhyming poems, and got to find out lots of things about Christmas past that they didn't know. It made Miss Madge laugh and Mr Wilsher understood some of the jokes! The pantomimers used Makaton – correctly! - and did a bit of spelling! Miss Jacobs liked the fact that they played Bob Marley and Mrs Norman learnt something she didn't know about why candy canes are put on our Christmas trees. Mrs Glover enjoyed the children's delight in watching, and Mrs Gilronan loved the hanky mouse who sang about custard! Thanks to Sam, Rob, Sophie and Dexter for such a captivating and educational performance!

Here's what the children thought:

"Loved it" (Callum)

"Very dancey" (Finn)

"Amazing and exciting" (Scarlett)

"Fantastically funny" (Millie)

"Absolutely brilliant" ( Emily)


Well done to all the children, in Key Stage 2, that worked hard to battle Drakes East Middle School in America to capture their trophy on the maths website Mangahigh.

Trophie 2



Lately a new Maths programme has been introduced to our school and it is making a big impact. The programme is named Manga High and the children have to complete Maths tasks set by their teacher and earn medals as they go along. Recentley we have been competing in a Fai-To challenge aginst Drake East Middle School in America. A Fai-To challenge is where the tasks set by your teacher are recorded and the points you win in you Maths games count up and become your score against the opponent. The Fai-To tournament lasts for a couple of weeks and at the end whoever has the most points wins. So far we are winning and we are aiming for the top spot. We will keep you updated on our score and future Fai-To tournaments.

In Year 4 this week we made a video of us singing to bury on the school field. We hope that it is found in 100's of years time, so children can see what it was like at Exminster School in 2013.


Congraulations to Mrs Kay.  Her baby boy, Killian, arrived on Thursday 14th November at 7.35am, weighing 7lb 6oz and only 14 days late!  Both Maeve and Killian are doing very well.


Children in Need Day 2013

School council members and Mrs Goode (our school cook) judged the staff bake off!!

There were a prizes for decoration and taste.

Mrs Whalley won for the best decoration prize and Mrs Norman won the best taste, well done to both!!!

Thank you to all the staff for entering and the children for their fancy dress and donations to Children in Need!

Mrs Roberts

Please look at our consultation documents in the 'Parent Zone' section.

Mrs Fuller

Congratulations to Mrs Fuller, recovery is needed after her exciting trip to London!  Mrs Fuller received an award this week for the 'Reading Recovery Teacher of the Year' for the South West.  Dawn was a runner up and presented with a certificate and an award at the prestigious ceremony in London on Friday.  She beat hundreds of entries for the South West for her hard work and dedication towards Reading Recovery.  Not only has Dawn gone the extra mile with the children she supports of a daily basis, she has also acted as an exemplary practitioner for members of staff, sharing her expertise and knowledge of developing children's reading.  She always shows such passion and commitment, suggesting ways in which we can develop reading further for children's enjoyment and progression.  Recently, Dawn has started a reading club, letting children come and enjoy their books, read to them and with them and even compose poetry.  Dawn is so committed to ensuring that children believe that they themselves are a good reader, raising confidence levels and attainment.  We are so proud of the work that Dawn and done, and the hard work that all the children and families have done as a consequence of Mrs Fuller's work.  Well done and thank you.

School Fair - 21st June

10 Teachers - 1 Will Be Gunged!!

To help raise essential funds for Nayamba School in Zambia (one of our chosen charities this year) 10 of our wonderful teachers have 'volunteered' to be gunged at our annual Summer Fair on Friday 21st June. Votes are 50p each, with no limit to how many votes you can make but if you would like to see what the teachers themselves think you sure do, please watch our video. 

All funds raised will go towards essential reading books that will be hand delivered by 2 families who are visiting the school and will be setting up a reading scheme and training the teachers to develop reading in school.

A massive thank you to all those who participated in and
came to support the netball match on Monday evening.

In a competitively fought game, the final score was 23-3 to
the staff.


Thank you very much to all those who took part, the ESA for
their refreshment stall, Becky Mason for arranging the parents team and the
brave umpire, Ross Kukor.


The proceeds from the game will go towards the school. We look forward to a rematch

in the summer term.


 netball   netball2






Look at the most recent data to be compiled by OFSTED on our school's dash board by following this link:

Exminster's School Dash Board


                Rainbow Day- Canada Day 


During Rainbow Day we looked at where Canada was, the landscape,  and size

of the country. We then talked about the origins of the maple leaf and made our

own. We finally hung them on the tree as you can see. Please come and visit 6H

to see it.


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The school band, '621' have recorded their first music video for their single 'Night Sky'


Thank you to Tim Pestridge for his creativity and excellent photography.


To view the video, please follow this link:

For more information click on the following link:

Remember that it is important to 'Dress Bright' to ensure you can be seen on your way to school and back and any clubs that you attend.

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In Year 5 this term children are going to work on a project entitled 'Our Exminster Memories Scrapbook'. During this project the children will look at how the village has changed over time and what it was like to live in Exminster in the past.

The children will be writing a weekly blog based on this as well as producing a physical scrapbook. They are also hoping to put on an exhibition to show what they have discovered.

6217 pupils from years 5 and 6 have been working with Mr Hardee to write and record an original song. They decided to write the song based on the whole school topic for the autumn term: 'Time Travel'. The children recorded the song at 'Broadwater Studios' playing all the musical parts themselves. The band consists of Lilly-Mae (Vocals), Jesse (Vocals), Sam (Bass guitar), Ellie (Guitar), Erin (Guitar), Amelie (Keyboard) and Molly (Drums).

The track has now been uploaded to a website called 'Youth Record Label' which is a company that promotes young musicians. The band, called 621, have been entered into several national competitions; one of which is judged on the amount of downloads the track gets. If you would like to support the band and the school, please go to the following link and download 621's new single 'Night Sky.'

In the new year, a music video will be made to accompany the song and the band will be performing live. Watch this space...
Kit Hardee, PE Coordinator,

Exminster Community Primary School
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