address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

School Learning Team

The School Learning Team consists of two children from Year 1 to Year 6, who meet biweekly with the co-headteacher to discuss various aspects of school life and development. The team gathers feedback and opinions from their peers on different topics and presents these insights at each meeting. Through open discussions and collaborative decision-making, the children have a voice in shaping school experiences. This important role encourages skills such as active listening, summarizing, and thoughtful decision-making.

Each year, children are elected to represent their classes. Those interested in standing for election prepare short presentations to explain why they should be chosen. On election day, all children in Y1-6 vote, with the votes counted confidentially.

The representatives’ first task is to engage with the concept of ‘trusted adults’ within the school community, identifying individuals who provide support and guidance. This initiative helps to ensure that all children feel supported in their learning environment.

The team has also focused on raising awareness about global communities, such as the Nayamba School, and participated in a fundraising effort that supported this school. The fundraiser provided meals for the entire school for one whole month.  This is now an annual fundraiser to continue one community supporting another.

Support for our wider community is one of our core values, and we encourage students to participate in meaningful initiatives, such as the annual shoebox appeal for children in Ukraine and Moldova, providing much-needed gifts.

In addition to these efforts, the School Learning Team promotes kindness by celebrating Random Acts of Kindness day. Through a series of activities, including complimenting peers, helping others, and showing gratitude, the children help foster a caring and positive environment.

The team has also contributed to improving our school’s development plan by providing feedback on writing support, exploring how children can further develop their writing skills.  They have also celebrated the diversity of languages spoken by our school community. We are hosting a Mother Languages day to highlight the importance of cultural connections and celebrate our own diversity.

In recent discussions, the children were inspired by a talk from a school governor, who shared insights about her role and encouraged students to reflect on their experiences as members of the School Learning Team.

“It is invaluable for children to understand the importance of democracy and having a voice in decisions that affect them,” says Mrs. Whalley, co-headteacher and coordinator of the team. “I always look forward to our meetings and am continuously inspired by their ideas, which provide valuable insight into how we can create a better school experience.”