address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail


Lately a new Maths programme has been introduced to our school and it is making a big impact. The programme is named Manga High and the children have to complete Maths tasks set by their teacher and earn medals as they go along. Recentley we have been competing in a Fai-To challenge aginst Drake East Middle School in America. A Fai-To challenge is where the tasks set by your teacher are recorded and the points you win in you Maths games count up and become your score against the opponent. The Fai-To tournament lasts for a couple of weeks and at the end whoever has the most points wins. So far we are winning and we are aiming for the top spot. We will keep you updated on our score and future Fai-To tournaments.

For a closing point, in the world we are second and would like parents to keep encouraging the children and try and take the lead!


By Hannah