address  Mrs S.L Whalley  phone  01392 824340  mail


At Exminster Primary School, our vision is to encourage children to engage in a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of physical activity. Through Physical Education, the children are given many opportunities to practice and display our school rainbow values such as enjoyment, inclusion and potential. Our staff and children are enthusiastic about PE and this is shown through teachers’ attitude towards the teaching of high quality PE. We want our children to develop into confident and competent learners across a broad range of physical activities. We hope to do this by providing our children with a wide range of opportunities to participate in physical exercise, both in a competitive and non-competitive environment. Through the Dawlish and South Dartmoor Schools Partnership our children are invited to attend festivals and tournaments at both inter and intra school levels.  We hope that through all the sporting opportunities, we can support the children in demonstrating sportsmanship and leadership values. We want to offer a broad range of physical activities for our children by running lunchtime and afterschool clubs; these are run by school staff and external coaches through maintaining links to local organisations. Children have cross curricular links with healthy lifestyles and share in a whole school vision of maintaining our ‘Healthy Schools’ status.


To successfully embed our Physical Education values at Exminster School, the staff and children are involved with the following-

  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
  • At Exminster, we provide each year group with at least 2 hours of exciting, fun and active PE lessons each week.
  • In PE lessons, teachers reference how exercise helps the body in different ways.
  • In Science, from Yr2 looking at a healthy diet and identifying what food types our body needs.
  • At lunchtimes having a well-balanced menu for the children to choose from.
  • Only allowing healthy snacks to be eaten during break times
  • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity centred on PEDPASS.
  • A broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils through the Dawlish School Partnership, South Dartmoor Schools Partnerships and Premier Sports.
  • Regular CPD opportunities for all staff developing knowledge and understanding of different physical activities offered to KS1 and KS2 children.
  • Increased participation in competitive sports through the two partnerships.
  • Having a weekly whole school assembly combining singing and dancing.
  • Yr6 rainbow Buddies modelling sportsmanship qualities to Reception children.
  • Children on the PELT modelling sportsmanship and leadership qualities at lunchtimes.
  • Children model positive attitudes and leadership skills through other teams, for example, ECO Alert, School Learning Team and Growth Mindset Ambassadors.
  • Reception children take part in Forest School and learn positive behaviours and teamwork.
  • Keeping registers of children who attend festivals and tournaments to ensure the majority of children participate in a broad range of activities.
  • Teachers are encouraged to use active brain breaks during school time involving short vigorous aerobic activity.
  • In KS2, the children are given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by leading PE warm ups and activities.


Our Physical Education curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate

progression. The children are taught following the progression of the PE curriculum which supports the combination of motor and cognitive development.  We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Using the PEDPASS assessment tool to monitor progress from the start to end of a sequence of learning.
  • Participating in the School Games Marks award each year, last year achieving the Gold standard.
  • Holding termly intra competitions in school to observe the skills taught throughout the current sequence of learning.
  • Children in our school can explain to another how they try to keep healthy through exercise and diet. When asked, a child can give an example of how someone could stay healthy.