address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

Year 6 children have the opportunity to take part in the Torbay and Devon Civic Award.  Mrs Nowell brought the Civic Award to Exminster in 2015 and it has grown each year.  Now in its 10th year, the award encourages the children to take part in citizenship, take up new hobbies and grow in confidence and independence. Mrs Gibson works with the local community of Exminster to offer a variety of community citizenship opportunities for the children.

To achieve the award pupils have to prove their participation in the following areas:

  • Active Citizenship in their school community . This could be as Digital leaders, Reading Buddies, School Learning Team or other positions of trust and responsibility in school.
  • Active Citizenship in their home communities . In the past, pupils have taken part in beach cleans, bulb planting, helping at Brownies /Cubs/sports clubs and looking after people in the community. Pupils may also work with others to organise events in school to support local charities.
  • A physical hobby(ies) and A non-physical hobby (ies) Children should spend about 30 minutes on average a week on their hobbies and one of them needs to be new to the child from the September of their Year 6.
  • Residential experience and adventure training. This entails sleeping away from home and family and taking part in outdoor challenges. 
  • Children need to make a pledge to the planet during the time they are undertaking the award. Children will need to research ways to help save the environment and take action on at least one issue. 

In June, the children present their portfolios of evidence and are interviewed by our assessors. They attend a presentation with other schools to receive their awards.  To celebrate their achievements, Mrs Whalley invites the children to a breakfast to share their experiences.  

If you would like further information, or feel you have a community opportunity you could offer to the school, please contact Mrs Nowell or Mrs Gibson through the school office.

Find more details about our 9 successful years here: