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Just before half term holidays, 3 pupils from Year 5 attended an Inspire Day at the Life Centre in Plymouth, with 40 other children. It was aimed at raising self-confidence, self-esteem and giving pupils key life skills. In the morning, they were put into small groups and tried various activities in the sports hall - scavenger hunt, tower building, human knot and hula hoop game, river game and a minefield game. The afternoon was spent in the pool taking part in life saving and then diving. They all had a really great day out.
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On Friday, 12 children from KS1 attended an Aesthetics festival at Dawlish Leisure Centre with 5 other local schools. They were put into groups and worked around various activities trying out: dancing, yoga, balancing, jumping, rolling and putting weight on hands. To finish, all 72 children performed a Superhero dance which was great to watch. They all really enjoyed themselves and had a certificate for their participation.
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On Thursday, 6 girls from Year 4 took part in the Premier Showdown (dance show) at St Luke's school, with 6 other local schools. They had been learning a dance which they performed twice, in front of a full audience. At the end of each performance, there was an amazing finale with all the other children. They should all be proud of themselves as they all remembered their moves and had a really great time.
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The government have released the school league tables for 2019. This shows how the school has performed against local and national schools. We are really proud of how hard our children work and feel this is reflected in the results the children achieve. Within the 'About us' section on our website we have a 'Results' tab where you can find all of our school data.
If you would like to find and compare schools then please click here
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Year 6 will be selling these creative designs at the Pre School Christmas Bazaar as part of their Civic Award. It would be great to see you there.
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Maths Week England November 2019
After a busy week rockin' out for Maths Week England at Exminster Community Primary School, it has been clear to see children's love of Maths in every corner of our school.
A sneak peak into the business of lunchtime TTRS clubs, where children from Y2 - Y6 filled all of the seats, nooks and crannies in a classroom but were happy to spill out into the corridor to continue the Rock-a-thon!
The Rainbow Value of Motivation in the air. Well done to everyone who took part! Most Valuable Players to be announced in assembly this week.
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Thank you so much for the very kind donations of food for our Harvest Exeter Foodbank appeal. The total amount of essential items was staggering to see. Thank you also to Mrs and Mr Godbeer for taking all the items to the Foodbank. The final thank you goes to the Y6 Civic Award children for helping to collect and sort all the items.
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Year 3 had a brilliant first week back at school.
On Friday, it was their Stone Age HOOK day! After travelling back 10,000 years to the Stone Age, they had various tasks to complete, including using topic books to research facts about the Stone Age and climbing into 'caves' to recreate Neolithic cave art!
Unfortunately, that afternoon, they discovered some rather smelly poos left behind by a stowaway time traveller. They had to measure the poos and investigate their contents. Eventually, they discovered that the mix of plants, seeds and fish bones could mean only one thing - someone from the Stone Age had travelled with them to the present day!
Luckily, a final whizz through time ensured he got dropped back off in his rightful time period. Take a look at some photos from the day.
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During Rainbow Day, the children have decorated a pebble linked to do our Rainbow Values. On the back of each pebble there is the hashtag #exminsterrocks. The idea is that the children (with the help of their adults) will hide these around the village or on holiday and see how far they can get. When you hide the pebble, it would be great if you can take a photo and upload it to Facebook with the location and the hashtag #exmintserrocks. This also applies if you find one. We are looking forward to seeing how far the wonderful pebbles go!
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On Thursday morning, the Year 6 children who had completed their Civic Award were invited to breakfast with me to share their achievements. I learnt so much about the children in this hour and was totally amazed by what they had done over the past 9 months. We enjoyed croissants, brioche, pain au chocolat and fruit and listened to all their achievements – a talented and committed group of young people.
Three years ago, Mrs Nowell introduced our school to the Torbay and Devon Civic award. In the first year, 6 children completed the award, in the second year 11 completed the award but this year 21 children have completed it. Huge congratulations go to Joe, Ollie, Harry, Matthew, Hattie, Georgia, Bonnie, Susie, Matthew, Danni, Sophie, Georgia, Kirsty, Eleanor, Olivia, Maia, Olivia, Summer, Molly, Evie and Jessica. They started the award in October and have been working hard on it over this year. There are 6 sections to complete:
1. Fundraising for a chosen charity
2. Being an active citizen in the school community
3. Being an active citizen in the local community
4. Pursuing an active hobby
5. Pursuing a non-active hobby
6. Adventure training
Rachel Wickham, head of Dawlish College, and Talitha Kerrigan, one of our school governors, were assessing the award and interviewed the children about each of the six areas. Throughout the award, the children have shown their commitment, developed confidence, started new skills and made an impact to the communities of which they are part of. It is an amazing achievement. There were such an amazing range of activities completed in the different areas. Here are just a few:
Learning to sew, drawing, bake and cook
Organising and doing a litter pick
Enjoying new hobbies such as arts and crafts, trampolining
Running sponsored events to raise money for a chosen charity
Raising money through making and selling slime
Supporting the making of Christingles
Learning how to do Yoga, acrobatics
Being active through bike riding, walking, playing golf
Involvement in Panto
Writing book reviews
Singing for the residents of a care home
Getting involved in adventurous activities
Running clubs in school for younger children
Being part of the ladies friendship group, doing activities with the older generation
Learning sign language
Doing many jobs and roles around school to support the smooth running of school eg. PE Learning Team, refereeing, handing out registers, Rainbow buddy support, being part of the Eco team, being part of the School Learning Team, being a Mental Health Ambassador
Our thanks go to Mrs Nowell for supporting the children and a huge well done to the children for what they have achieved in completing this and the journey they have been on with it. We are all very proud of them.
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Some children from years 5 and 6 have been attending STEM workshops at Dawlish College. In previous weeks, they have designed their own Space Hotel logo using a CAD (computer aided design) programme called 2D Design and exported these to a laser cutter. These designs were then made into wooden stamps. This week they baked biscuits and used their stamps to imprint their Space Hotel logos.
In science, the children have been testing the strength of reinforced concrete. They have planned and carried out several experiments to see which concrete mix can hold the greatest weight. One group managed to hang nearly 6kg before the piece of concrete gave way.
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Today Years 5 and 6 watched a Virtual Reality play.
VIRTUAL REALITY tells the story of 11 year old Christopher “Chip” Mackintosh who is given a laptop for “Big School”. He discovers the computer can talk to him-The Remote Operated Byte or ROB tells Chip to step into his world of fun, adventure, mystery and discover a whole new world...not the real world, but...VIRTUAL REALITY.
Chip begins a journey down the rabbit hole-like Alice and before long ‘Happy go-lucky Chip’ is now becoming a ‘Moody, cheeky and disrespectful troll with a chip on his shoulder.’
At the end of the story, Chip discovers the reason the laptop is called ROB was because he was stealing Chip’s childhood!
The play is a contemporary fairy tale of how certain social media sites and video games will affect the young mind, without realising the impact on school and home life.
The message behind this tale is when we access these gadgets-you have to make a choice…Control the technology or let the technology control you!
Following the play the children participated in a discussion looking at the potential dangers of playing online and how we can make sure we are keeping ourselves safe.
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We are becoming Word Rich in Year 3.
Last Thursday, the children had a jam-packed morning full of games and activities to further develop vocabulary. From matching words to their definitions, to playing Articulate against each other, lots of fun was had by all.
Thank you to the parents and carers who could attend: "It was great to see my child collaborate with others and want to learn about words!" said one parent.
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On Friday 1st Feb some of our children travelled to Dawlish College. They took part in a range of activities including making concrete and having a debate over whether aesthetics or practicality are more important when in space!
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Year 6 were very fortunate this week to receive first aid training from a local charity which is run by Daniel Osborne, a teacher at Dawlish College. Daniel set up Jay's Aim after the death of his younger brother from a sudden cardiac arrest at just 28 years of age.
Jay's Aim is a charity which aims to develop awareness of cardiac arrest in young people and their aim is to educate people through offering CPR training.
Children learnt the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack. (CPR is required after a cardiac arrest as the electrical rhythms in the heart have been interrupted.) In both instances the children were told to ring 999 and explain symptoms. They then learnt how to give CPR- first practising giving chest compressions (arms straight, hands linked or overlapping, pushing down 5-6cm onto the chest through your hands) and then learning rescue breaths. The children delivered 30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths and kept this sequence going- everyone realised that actually delivering CPR is really hard work.
The children also learnt how to use a defibrillator and we discussed the locations of these in Exminster. We also found how you access the code to the defibrillator box and used a mock- defibrillator to administer treatment. (Pearse and Ollie were brilliant at this even though neither of them had ever used this type of equipment before.)
We were delighted with the calm, mature and responsible way in which our Year 6 children took part in this key life skill training and we look forward to Jay's Aims second visit in April where those children who attended the London visit will also be trained.
If you would like further information about the charity here is the link to their website:
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In school this year we are reading more for pleasure. Staff have signed up to a reading challenge. The children in school will be able to keep up with their progress by checking their reading tokens- one for each book read. Who will read the most?
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Last term, the children were working exceptionally hard at understanding and implementing our Rainbow Values on a daily basis both in their classrooms and in every part of school life.
‘Motivation’ was one of the highest tubes at the end of last term. We love to hear the stories from children and adults about how they are also applying these values to their lives outside of school. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeing the Rainbow Values grow in the tubes this Spring term.
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We would like to thank everyone who kindly donated money to our Chromebooks project. We will say our proper thanks in January. We will still be accepting donations up until the 18th of January. On behalf of Year 6 we hope you have a lovely Christmas.
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Year 3 visited St Martin's Church on Friday morning to take a look at the crib displays that they helped to make during RE. It was great to explore the church and see all of the angels made by other children in school.
The children also got the opportunity to sit in the pews and ask Reverend John questions about the Crib Festival and the church itself.
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Just a normal Monday morning here at Exminster Community Primary School. Children and staff entered the building via the VIP entrance to begin our Times Table Rockstar day, practising our fluency within number bonds and times tables. The day started with an amazing version of 'We will Rock You' written and performed by Mr Godfrey '3 times 3 times table' then a battle to find the quickest teacher on TT Rockstars to compete against our fastest pupil, Charlie in Y3. The day is filled with games and activities to increase our fluency whilst having a great deal of fun - our Rainbow Value of Enjoyment is being celebrated today!
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4C Wildside Residential - we are a little bit on the tired side! We had an amazing experience with night walks, games in the woods, archery, orienteering, zip wire, games, more games, laughing, more laughing, wind and so many memories created. Thank you to Wildside for giving us these experiences and to our parents for sending us. Over the next few days, we will be blogging on the Year 4 class blog about our adventures.
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On Friday, we had two new headteachers for the day. Miss Gilmore and Miss Frazer won the raffle at the summer fair and spent the day being the headteachers. After an 'access all areas' tour (the kitchen was their highlight) they spent time in the Reception classes getting to know the names of our new children. They surveyed the staff, asking them what the best bit about the school was and what they would like to improve. Mr Godfrey felt that a milkshake fountain would improve the school whilst other staff requested a staff uniform, a pay rise and more resources! They also surveyed the children who gave a range of answers for their improvements: more play equipment, a swimming pool, more glue sticks. Both the staff and children said the best bit about the school was the kindness people showed. Our new headteachers ran the assembly, planned what the school would be like in five years time (I will not be headteacher according to their predictions!) and learnt a lot about the role of a headteacher. They did a fantastic job and I am now ready to hand my badge over to them! Mrs Whalley