address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

Latest News

Congratulations to our successful allotment group and Mrs Pike who won many certificates at Kenton Village show on Saturday 1 September. A first prize was achieved for pumpkin, herbs and lettuce, second for courgettes, longest runner bean, runner beans and third for selection of vegetables. Our thanks go to all the volunteers who support the allotment and a huge thanks to Mrs Pike (and her family) who spends a great deal of time, love, thought and energy on our fantastic school allotment.

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landscape gardeners exeter
Year 1 Phonics

This table shows the percentage of children that passed the 2018 Year 1 phonics test. 

  Percentage of children which passed
School 91%
National (2017)


  KS1 2018 Results


This table shows the percentage of children that met or exceeded the end of Key Stage 1 expectations.

  Reading  Writing  Maths 
School 77% 70% 77%
National (2017) 76% 68% 75%

This table shows the percentage of children that exceeded the end of Key Stage 1 expectations (Greater Depth).

  Reading  Writing  Maths 
School 21% 16% 16%
National (2017) 25% 16% 21%

KS2 2018 Results


This table shows the percentage of children that met or exceeded the end of Key Stage 2 expectations.

Reading   Writing             Maths              SPaG RWM Combined
School 88%    91%   88%      88%       86%
National 75%    78%   76%      78%            64%

(RWM - Reading, Writing and Maths)

This table shows the percentage of children that exceeded the end of Key Stage 2 expectations (Greater Depth).

Reading Writing           Maths            SPaG       RWM Combined
School                        40%             33% 37%     37% 21%
National (2017) 25% 18% 23%
    31%  9%
This table shows the average scaled score achieved by children at the end of Key Stage 2 tests. The expected standard is a scaled score of 100.
     Reading           Maths         SPaG      
School                       106.9   107.8   107.8
National     105   104   106

Progress (updated once data is released in the Autumn 2018).

This table shows the average progress from the end of Key Stage 1 to the end of Key Stage 2. The national average progress is a score of 0. Any number above 0 shows more progress than the national average and any number below 0 shows less progress than the national average. 

  Reading Writing          Maths         


Today children are participating in their Rainbow day. All the groups are involved a range of different activities: drumming, art, sports, orienteering, construction, 3D art. It has been great to see our Year 5 children leading it and all the team work, enjoyment, encouragement and inclusion that is happening. It is a very busy and active day where children are mixed in all different year groups with a lovely atmosphere as children get to visit all the 7 activities on offer.

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breakfast 1

Breakfast at Tiffany's (or maybe Mrs W's office- doesn't quite have the same ring!) Today I was inspired by 11 of our Year 6 children who had spent a year completing their Civic Award.  We shared a special breakfast together and chatted about what they had done and the impact of being involved in this.  They all talked enthusiastically about the activities they had been involved with and told me about the development of their independence, confidence and organisation through achieving the award.  It is a huge achievement to complete this and we are super proud of them.  Our thanks go to Mrs Jones and Mrs Nowell for their support and encouragement in doing this with the group.  The children are now going to prepare a presentation for the  Year 5 cohort to inspire them to give this award a go next year.  Mrs W

This is a message to inform everyone that due to the adverse weather conditions for the region tomorrow, the school has taken the decision to close on Monday 19 March. This is in order to safeguard children and their families from accident or injury whilst travelling to and from school, and also to protect staff, many of whom live a significant distance away from school. 

The school understands that closure can be an inconvenience to users, and we apologise in advance for this, however it is not a decision that has been taken lightly.

Sarah Whalley

This is a message to inform everyone that due to the amber weather warning for the region tomorrow, the school has taken the decision to close tomorrow. This is in order to safeguard children and their families from accident or injury whilst travelling to and from school, and also to protect staff, many of whom live a significant distance away from school. Whilst it looks unlikely that we will be waking up to snow, the amount falling during the day could make journeys hazardous.

The school understands that closure can be an inconvenience to users, and we apologise in advance for this, however it is not a decision that has been taken lightly.

The decision to open or not on Friday will be taken when conditions for travelling and safety of all users has been considered tomorrow afternoon, and you will be notified via email, facebook and our school website.

If, unfortunately, the school remains closed, use the Devon County link for school closures:

Heart FM and BBC radio Devon will also be informed, so please stay tuned for information via all of these channels.

Sarah Whalley


Creativity Club is a fun arty lunchtime club that children from years 1 and 2 can attend. It is a drop in club on a Friday from 12:30 - 1:50pm. Come to blue room in the Hub. The last thing they created were some firework balloons. If anyone from years 1 and 2 are interested then feel free to come. See you there.

Below you will see a picture of our maths working wall that Evan,Max and Harley have been working on. We have been helping people's learning by putting up posters on multiplicative reasoning.

We have been learning about division and we have learnt the bus stop method.We have also been told how to times by one and two digit numbers.

In Science, we created a circuit to power a light bulb. We used two crocodile clips, battery pack and a light bulb. This is called a simple circuit. We were set a challenge to make a light that fully switched off, using a switch to create a dimming light. Then we drew all the symbols and our circuit. Emily pointed out what the symbol for a double battery was.
From the Digital Leaders

Thank you to all of Year 6 for their effort, enthusiasm and of course the banter! We will miss you. Thanks to Jacob for the fantastic video. Year 6 Team

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Rainbow day: our theme for this Rainbow Day was our Rainbow Values – all of the values focused on this with a real emphasis on community and team work.  The day started with an assembly led by Mr Moore about ‘Go and be a goose’ looking at how geese fly in their V formation, how they work as a team and that they are 75% more productive flying as a team than if they fly solo.  We linked many of the geese attributes to our Rainbow Values.

RD singing RD family groups RD 1

There was a rotation of 7 activities.

  1. Paper tower challenge: this involved 7 pieces of paper per team (representing the 7 Rainbow Values) and a roll of masking tape.  Children were split into 7 teams within their colour and had the challenge of making the tallest free-standing tower that they could.  The value they were focusing on was ‘Community’ – working together as a team.
  2. Singing: we had a singer in, funded from the Helen Foundation, working with every class over the course of the day.  They learnt a song within their 35 minutes called ‘Build it High’.  The lyrics were about working together as a team to solve a problem.
  3. Chiefs Rugby session: 2 representative from Exeter Chiefs came in to work with the children on team work, staying active and having fun.  They played lots of games to children moving for the whole session, playing stuck in the mud, tag rugby and other running games.
  4. Friendship bracelets: children worked together to make friendship bracelets, choosing 3 of the Rainbow Values and their colours to represent them.  They had lots of discussions about when they and their peers had demonstrated these values in school.
  5. Decorating leaves: these have gone on display in our office reception area (known in school as the ‘school lounge’).  Children thought about their hopes and aspirations for the future, what they were proud of, what they work hard at and what they would like to get better at.  They were focusing on our ‘Potential’ value.
  6. Construction: this session was about focusing on the community around us and the groups were representing landmarks of Exminster out of various construction materials.  They used photos of these to support them and enjoyed working with the different age groups.
  7. Orienteering: in this session, children had to run around our school rounds, finding clues – 8 different ones in total.  When they arrived at a clue, each year group had a different question to answer and record on their sheet.  The older children were supporting the younger children by reading their question and supporting them with the answers.

It was a fantastic day, watching the children with mixed year groups.  New friendships were formed, family groups enjoyed spending time with one another and the older children loved supporting the younger children.  The younger children enjoyed working with the older children and making these new connections, which we then saw going over to the playtime as well.  Thanks to the staff for the range of activities and to Mrs Coville who worked hard to organise the day.


KS2 has wowed different aged audiences with a brilliant production. Lily from 6JS drew the front cover of the programme for everyone to look at. Gina Walledge said " The production was brilliant and think it is definitely something to be proud of. " The play definitely had a great response from the audience as they laughed at every joke. Thank you to Mrs Burnham for all the amazing props and to the Year 6 children for their enthusiasm and hard work. 

As the biggest show off 2017 comes to the village next week, here is a sneak preview of a few of the characters. There will be lots more photos to follow next week.

Children from across the school enjoyed a fantastic evening watching the film 'Sing'. Not only did the children love watching and dancing along to the film, they also enjoyed the tasty popcorn and juice! 

We'd like to say a  big thank you to all those who helped to organise the event. An amazing £350 pounds was raised to go towards the climbing wall!



Years 5/6 watched a virtual reality play which looked at the potential dangers of interactions online. It was an interactive performance which looked at online gaming, chat rooms, broadcasting and potential repercussions. There was then a discussion around what was watched.

help2TESCO Bags of Help Scheme
We have a chance of getting up to £5000 from TESCO for our Traverse Climbing Wall project. Our application to the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme has been successful and our project will be put forward to a customer vote in Tesco stores during May and June 2017.
What happens next?
Our project, along with the other two successful projects in our region, will go forward to a vote in Tesco stores where customers will decide the outcome by voting for their favourite project each time they shop. Voting will take place during May and June.
We will be notified by the end of July 2017 confirming the amount of funding we will receive.
The project with the highest number of votes across our region will receive up to £5,000, the second placed project up to £2,000 and the third placed project £1,000.
Please see below a list of stores taking part in the voting on our project:
Exeter Vale EX2 7EZ Exminster Express EX6 8DB
Heavitree Express EX1 2RN
Exwick Express EX4 2DQ
Barnstaple Express EX32 8PG
Barnstaple Taw View EX31 2AS
Barnstaple High Street Express EX31 1EZ
To vote, you will need to make a purchase within store of any value. You will receive one token per transaction and it's not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.
Please vote for us and spread the word.

A huge thank you to the community of Exminster Community Primary School.  You have raised an amazing £386.45 today from the non-uniform day.  You have also raised over £120 from bob-a-job so far.  To this, we can add the £146 that Mrs Whalley raised from having her cake sale at home in the holidays.  Our total so far is £652.45 and still people are raising more.  Every single penny of this money will be spent on buying books and resources to fill our suitcases and leave at Nayamba school.  Thank you!

loom bands money raising

Last Friday the school choir were invited to sing at the Memory cafe which takes place every third Friday of the month. The choir sang a medley of songs with the folk songs being particularly popular. After singing the children went and spoke to those who visited the cafe. The children shared their experiences of being in the choir and their learning at Exminster. We will be sharing more experiences with the memory cafe and also the Westbank over the coming months.

The results are in for the Tremendous Tessellation Competition, they were judged by a group of Year 6 children. We have to thank everyone who entered their design to the competition. The winners from KS2 are:
Jake D
Emma F
Ella W
And from KS1:
Olivia G
James B
Amber G

Calling all budding song writers age 8-12, this is your opportunity to show off your talents and enter a national song writing competition. Details of this exciting competition are below.

Song writing 1


Song writing 2

Week one of our Lent challenge, where all classes are noticing random acts of kindness in one another, sees 2B as the kindest class this week. Lent has delivered his new challenges for the coming week. Keep up the good work everyone.

Today (Thursday 2nd March 2017) we created wordles about our favourite authors. For example, David Williams, Roald Dahl and Zoella Sugg. Using the website 'HTTPS:\\\create' we added different colours and animations. Please have a look at our finished masterpiece it is by the school office.

On Thursday afternoon, the school had a super science assembly from Astro Alice!

Astro Alice introduced the children to a range of exciting experiments that could happen within our science club this Summer Term. The children all took part in the assembly, helping to investigate how friction works all around us. 

Even Mr Slingsby took part in the assembly. He had the chance to experiment with the homemade hovercraft!

On Friday, a letter was sent home with children from Year 1 to Year 6. If you did not receive a letter, please see the office for spares.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

This week is our Maths Problem Solving Week. Throughout the week the children will be taking part in many challenges and problem solving activities in maths. We will keep you updated on some of the exciting maths throughout the week.

As part of the week, Mr Moore has set the whole school two challenges to complete at home.   

Challenge 1: Tremendous Tessellations

The first competition is to design, draw and colour your own tessellation/repeated pattern, like the ones below. Hand them to your teacher or straight to Mr Moore. The best patterns in the Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two will be displayed in school and put on the school website for the world to see! 


1 2 3


4 5 6


Challenge 2: Times Rhymes

Mr Moore’s second Maths Challenge is to make up a poem, song or rhyme to help remember just one of the times tables. Hand them in to your teacher, or straight to Mr Moore. The most original, funny or catchy in FS, KS1 and KS2 will be presented in together time and published on the school website for the world to see!

One example (to show you what to do) is below, but there are no strict rules. Be creative and catch the eye of the judges with something fresh and different (you could even get a parent to film you singing your song or reading your poem and send in the video or audio file, it doesn't have to be written down).

Foundation Stage: a rhyme to help you count in 1s or 2s would be perfect.

Year 6: how about impressing us with your 17x table, or your 3.1x table?!


Ten-times tea-time

1 x 10 = 10   … Tea time again.

2 x 10 = 20   … Cake to eat - plenty.

3 x 10 = 30   … I’m chocolate sauce - squirt me.

4 x 10 = 40   … Extra pudding - naughty!

5 x 10 = 50   … Custard on top - nifty!

6 x 10 = 60   … You sit down, I’ll fix tea.

7 x 10 = 70   … Clotted cream from Devon - tea.

8 x 10 = 80   … So good I can’t wait - tea.

9 x 10 = 90   … What a divine tea.

10 x 10 = 100   … 'When’s supper?' I wondered.
