address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

For our children to reach and exceed their full educational potential, a high level of school attendance is essential. To take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered, it is vital our children are at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. The routines children develop around attendance and punctuality at school are essential in supporting the social and academic aspects of learning.  High attainment, confidence with peers and future aspirations depend on good attendance.                               

Good attendance is important because:

  • Statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence
  • Regular attenders make better progress, both socially and academically
  • Regular attenders find school routines, school work and friendships easier to cope with
  • Regular attenders find learning more satisfying
  • Regular attenders are more successful in transferring between primary school, secondary school, and higher education, employment or training

Attendance Page Table


We are committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all our children and endeavour to provide an environment where all children feel valued and welcome.  Every child has a right to access the education to which they are entitled to. Parents/Carers and teachers share the responsibility for supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all. 

What is expected of our children?

  • To be proud of their successes and achievements
  • To do all they can to attend school regularly, punctually and engage positively in learning
  • To inform a trusted adult if they have a worry
  • To encourage friendship and a sense of community

What is expected of our parents/carers?

  • To support their child and recognise their successes and achievements
  • To ensure their child arrives on time
  • To keep requests for their child to be absent to a minimum
  • To offer a reason, or medical proof, for any period of absence, preferable before the absence or on the first day of absence
  • To ensure that they child arrives at school on time, a reason should be offered for any lateness
  • To work closely with school to resolve any problems that may impede a child’s attendance
  • To take family holidays during school holidays and be aware that requests for holidays during term time will be refused except in exceptional circumstances

What should I do if my child is absent?  Contact the school, before 8.50am, on 01392 824340 (facility to leave a message to report an absence) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on the first day and subsequent days of absence to explain the reason for this.

What is good attendance? 95% or above

Attendance procedures: There are many positive individual actions taken to support better attendance where this is necessary.  This is dependent on the needs of the child and family and will be discussed with you and your family.

If your child is absent and we have not heard from you, the school office will phone you.  Please remember though, it is your responsibility to notify us of any reason for absence.

We will write to you if your child’s absence drops below 90%.

We may invite you into school to discuss your child’s absence to meet with myself (headteacher), our Family Support Coordinator or our Education Welfare Officer.

If attendance continues to deteriorate, we may need to refer the matter to the Local Authority.

Lateness: Poor punctuality is not acceptable.  If a child misses the start of the day, they can miss work and do not spend time with their class teacher getting vital information for the day.  It can be unsettling for a child to arrive late and can also disrupt lessons.  Good timekeeping is a vital life skill which will help our children as they progress through their school life and out into the wider world. 

Attendance and the Law: As of September 2013, an amendment to the Education Regulations 2006 came in to force and greater clarity was introduced to the issue of schools authorising absence requests.  These changes reinforced the Government’s view that every minute of the school day is vital and that pupils should only be granted absences by the school in ‘exceptional circumstances’.  Our aim is for children’s attendance to be at least 97%.

It is a rule of this school that a leave of absence shall not be granted in term time unless there are reasons considered to be exceptional by the headteacher, irrespective of a child’s overall attendance.  Only the headteacher may authorise such a request and all applications for a leave of absence must be made in writing on the prescribed form.  Where a parent/carer removes a child when the application for leave was refused or where no application was made to school, the issue of a penalty notice may be pursued.

Every Day Counts!