address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

For the first year, Mrs Nowell has introduced the Year 6 children to the Civic Award. 5 of our students, Anna, Callie, Erica, Ella and Eva have spent 9 months working towards this. Below is an outline of what they have been busy doing:
1. They have had to show they are an active citizen in the school community for at least 4 months. Activities they have done have directly impacted on other children in school and widened their experience through running a KS1 choir, running a drawing club, being part of the sports Council, becoming reading ambassadors and running with allotment club.
2. Be an active citizen in the local community and charity work. The children have helped at pre-school breakfast club, held sales to raise money for WESC and the Blue cross and raised money for Nayamba school.
3. Take part in an active hobby. The girls have enjoyed clubs such as ballet, Street dance and rugby and will continue with these beyond the award.
4. Take part in a non-active hobby. The girls have enjoyed cooking a varied range of recipes, designed clothes and completed book reviews.
5. Take part in adventure trining. The girls all enjoyed challenging themselves and overcoming fears with their residential week and loved surfing, the adventure assault course and the whole residential experience.

The girls have had to provide evidence of all these aspects of the award. We enjoyed a breakfast together this morning to talk about their award and now they are having individual interviews with the assessors, Mr Clements from DCC and Mrs Mason, one of our school governors.

I would like to congratulate the girls on their commitment and contribution. They have positively impacted on their school, their local community and the wider community through the great work they have done. We are all very proud of you.  Mrs Whalley and Mrs Nowell