Mrs Whalley's blog
I was just looking at the class blogs and found the homelearning on the recent Year 6 class blog. Please go and have a look. Jamie has produced an amazing information video of our local area and highlighted the HFA (Highly Flooded Areas) from aerial views and maps. He has researched the science behind flooding and thought about the advantages and disadvantages of it. I love the subtle music in the background: Take That 'The Flood' and the final 'Thank You' song. Great work Jamie!
Robert has produced a short film about a fictional tornado approaching our area. Robert's calm response shows him packing his bag of essential items and getting to the safest place in his house, Harry Potter style, under the stairs! He then demonstrated the destruction of different strength tornados, with lego. Genius work Robert well done!
Year 3 have promised to give me a guided tour of their home learning after half term. There is such an amazing effort being put into home learning in all year groups with such a range of projects.