address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

Mrs Whalley's blog

In the morning the children stayed in their classes and had discussions about Drugs Education.  Each year group took a letter home at the end of the day to give parents an overview of what discussions were held so that parents could be aware and follow it up at home.

In the afternoon, children had a choice of activity across Rec-Y2, Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6.  Walking round the day before, I had heard some very persuasive pitches from the adults, trying to encourage the children to their activity.  Here's an overview of what the children did:

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Years 3 and 4

Children choose from 2 different activities.  One activity was making a paper mache goal.  Children discussed what their goals were - these could be short term or long term goals.  Each goal had to be challenging for the individual but achievable.  Children thought about how they would strive to reach their goals in small steps.  Another activity was to make a cube from a net.  Inside the net, children wrote their goals.  They then decorated the net and wrote a date on the outside.  The date had to be the date they could open their box and see if they had met their challenging goal.  Jessica's goal: to swim 2000m by the end of Year 4.  Josh's goal: to do 50 circles on the pummel.  Children wrote goals that were home or school related.  "I liked having a place to put my goal and I can check if I have met it," commented Josh.  "I enjoyed decorating mine," reported Jessica.

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Years 5 and 6

There were three activities to choose from.  One group of children were decorating jars.  Inside the jar, they made a little scroll on which they wrote their goal.  Here are some of the goals:  I want to whittle 20 figures (Max);  I want to be a singer (Oliver); I want to be a world class swimmer (Harry); I want to get into the football academy for Exeter or Plymouth (Joe).  There was also a team of reporters.  They wrote a newspaper article about what everyone has been doing on Rainbow day, interviewing children and staff and taking photos.  The third group in Y5/6 were producing celebrity profiles of their sporting role models.  Ben researched Nicky Lauder (formula one driver) who was seriously injured in a car crash and found out how he was determined to get back in the car and get back to racing.  Jack found out about Darren Fletcher (Man U and Scotland player) and how he dealt with his major illness, faced it and now has just made a come back to football.

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Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

All the children were in mixed age group classes and worked very hard on their 'goal hangers'.  They decorated their hangers and talked about what their goals were.  Here are some of their goals:

I'm going to tidy my bedroom (Kiera); I'm going to be patient (Matthew); I'm going to be a good ballet dancer (Mia); I'm going to get better at writing (Teddy); I'm going to be a fireman (Warren).

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