address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

Mrs Whalley's blog

I was honoured this week to be asked to help launch the next Year 6 project.  They have spent half a term learning about natural disasters.  We have seen some amazing home learning projects where children have been presented with an open-ended task and produced so many different amazing projects.  The children have presented weekly in our 'together time' celebration assembly their wide ranging learning week by week.  Now they have a new challenge.  On Monday I became Sir Alana Sugar, Mr Moore was Nick and Mr Hardee was an excellent Karen.  The children were filed into the hall and given a number which related to a table number.  Once the children had found their allocated spaces, in came Mr Moore, Mr Hardee and myself (aka: Nick, Karen and Alana... Sir Alana).  We presented their task.  Year 6 are working in teams across the classes.  They have to set up a charity drawing on the successes from the charities that are already founded.  They will be designing a logo, creating promotional art work and any slogans associated with the charity.  They will provide a mission statement which shows the thinking behind the charity.  They will be designing and writing leaflets and promotional information as well as setting up a website.  They will invent an item to help people in the natural disaster, design the survival pack and budget plan.  At the end of their allocated 6 weeks, they will be presenting their pitches to their peers, their teachers and their parents.  The focus is on the leadership qualities they show, their team work and their work ethic. 

Good luck Year 6 - you have a lot to do and little time.  I am looking forward to the pitches.