address   Mrs S Whalley and Mr I Moore  phone  01392 824340  mail

This term we will be inviting parents/grandparents/carers to our games assemblies. 1MS kicked off the games assemblies; the children's special adults joined them in playing a competitive maths game. Then table groups worked together as a team on a phonics game. The adults had a chance to engage in the type of learning activities children undertake in school and  everyone was able to reflect on which of our school's Rainbow Values we used.

Esme said: 'We used our potential building the words.'

Lily: 'Enjoyment because I liked making the words.'

Oliver. D: 'Inclusion, including other people to play if they really want to play.'

Bethany: 'Community, working as a team.'

Jenson's comment shows everyone was motivated, he said: 'Perseverance because we had to keep working.'

Thank you to everyone for supporting this session. Mrs Miller, Mrs Stapleton and the children really enjoyed it.☺